Sustainability Challenge in Africa

   Le temps de lecture 2 min

Slim Othmani

IFU Africa Ambassador

When I was asked to write about the challenges of sustainable development in Africa, I saw myself sitting in my office more than twenty years ago at NCA-Rouiba, in Algeria, defining what my company’s annual report would be. The content of the report was that much influenced by my education and my sensitivity to all environmental and social issues. I still hear my grandmother and mother telling me “Don’t waste water”, “turn off the light when you go out”, “finish your meal plate”, “don’t throw papers on the street”, “help the needy”, “no arrogance with the poor”, “respect others”, “don’t steal”, “don’t lie” “always be clean and properly dressed”. All these messages still resonate positively in my mind. 

All ESG values existed long before they were formalized by international bodies. Each of us carry within us a large amount of these values. The awareness at individual level is there. However, at collective level it´s difficult to be implemented. This is a fact in, both, developed and developing countries. As far as we are concerned, on the African continent, our challenges are even more complex, as we face a population eager to fully experience the modernity characterized by abundance and consumption.

Without entering into the academic field of ESG, the main three pillars of Sustainability (Social, Economic and Environmental), allow us to quickly identify some of the challenges listed below in a non-exhaustive way:

  • Fight against corruption
  • Inclusion (Financial, Gender, Informal Sector, etc…)
  • Financing
  • Good governance
  • Nature protection
  • Preservation of water resources
  • Raising awareness among civil society
  • Sensitization of political actors
  • Laws and regulations
  • Resistance to pressure from international actors
  • Educating children on sustainable development issues

The challenges are almost innumerable as Africa has been included at the bottom of global value chains, as a supplier of raw materials, but also at the top of these same value chains, as a consumer of finished products. It is a revolution of mentalities that will take several years but which is already underway. I feel fully reassured by this new generation of Africans for whom Africa is to be built on a sound foundation, for whom Africa has a future other than being a simple supplier of raw materials.

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