A Crossed Perspective on Europe and the Maghreb – Isabelle Werenfels

   Le temps de lecture 2 min

Since 10/2023 Member of Expert Group in Support of the Comprehensive and Deep Reflection on NATO’s Southern Neighbourhood. Since 2020 Chair of the International Advisory Board, Merian Centre for Advanced Studies in the Maghreb (MECAM). Since 2019 Member of the “Comité Scientific” of the Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique (FRS), Paris. Since 2019 Member of the Foundation Board of the Fondation Hirondelle, Lausanne. 2014-2018 Head of Research Division Middle East and Africa. 2007-2018 Member of the Foundation Board of the “Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies”, Geneva (2010 – 2014 as Vice-chairwoman). 1999 Head of the Swiss Delegation and of the Research, Analysis and Information Division of the Temporary International Presence in the City of Hebron (TIPH).1993-1998 Reporter/Editor with a special focus on the Middle East at the Swiss Broadcasting Company’s Radio (DRS)

A succinct but in-depth analysis of the situation in the Maghreb and the Europe-Maghreb relationship.

1/ The Maghreb is bubbling why do you think?

2/ Is Europe really worried about the Maghreb’s political and economic prospects?

3/ How Europe can manage this contradiction between its need for skills and the problem of immigration

4/ Would you have a message to the Policies of both sides of the Mediterranean regarding the Maghreb Europe relationship?


1/ Le Maghreb bouillonne pourquoi selon vous  ?

2/ l’Europe s’inquiète-elle vraiment des perspectives politico économique du Maghreb ?

3/ comment l’Europe peut gérer cette contradiction entre son besoin de compétences et le problème de l’immigration 

4/ auriez vous un message aux Politiques des deux rives de la Méditerranée relatif à la relation Maghreb Europe?

Un commentaire

  1. Excellent podcast….. showing the tough reality!
    While all ingredients for success are present around the Mediterranean Sea….. we see few hopes ….. Ang huge divergences between the each side of the bassin!

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